BG is investing into new technology to provide greater insights into the world of muscles.

About the Opportunity
Springbok Analytics offers a cutting-edge, scientifically validated muscle AI analytics platform with wide-ranging applications in life sciences, sport, and health. Their advanced 3D AI technology provides current and predictive analysis of muscles in the body, applicable for elite athletes, sports professionals, physiotherapists, people with dsiabilities, the elderly and more, to maintain their muscle health new and into the future.
Springbok Analytics was discovered through the FSHD GLobal Foundation, which is focused on giving life to muscles. This unique access is why this opportunity is available today.
At a Glance
Company: BG Medical Ai Syndicate
Manager: Boston Global
Sector: Medical Tech
Geography: United States of America
Investment Period: Initial term of 5 years
Minimum Investment: US$500k
Structure: Unit Trust
Investors Eligibility: Professional or Sophisticated (S708) Investors Only
Target Equity Raise: U$5.5m
LVR Operating: 0%
Application Fee: 1%
Fees: 1% pa with a performance fee of 20% over a hurdle of 10%