Family Office
Club Deals
Club Syndicated Deals: Exclusive Investments for Approved Family Offices
Family offices seeking unique and potentially lucrative investment avenues can explore club-syndicated deals. These deals offer access to high-quality Australian and international opportunities across various sectors and asset classes.
All opportunities are off-market and by invitation only to Professional or Sophisticated (S708) Investors Only.
Club Deals
DCCM Group Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (C.A.R.) of BG Funds Management Pty Ltd, A.F.S.L. No. 502 497.

Forte Ports Syndicate
Forte Ports Syndicate provided equity to complete construction of the Wallaroo port facility, creating an infrastructure asset that will enable the storage and handling of grain for export via transhipment out to deep water and then onto a bulk ship. It’s estimated that these operations will help efficiently export an additional 500kt of grain from the wider Yorke Peninsula, Upper and Mid North regions.
Target Return: 20% IRR
Investment Period: 4- 5 years

Proptech Syndicate
Purchase secondary shares in an Australian based Technology start-up "Mapcite"
Proptech Syndicate purchased shares at a discount
Target Return: 20% IRR
Investment Period: 4- 5 years

BG Space Tech Syndicate
Purchase shares in a space focused company providing proprietary GPS denied navigation technology and Quantum communication.
Target Return: 20% IRR
Investment Period: 4 - 5 years